A Trip to Casual Connect Asia 2016


On May 16 2016, at 12:15am, we got on the airplane, which brought us to Singapore, and started our trip of “Casual Connect Asia 2016”.

After experiencing 6.5 hours of trying to find the best way to sleep, with horrible dark circles on our faces, we finally arrived in Singapore. We bought ez-link bus card for our trip. Surprisingly, we got the Captain America Civil War card!


Do you like Iron Man better or Captain America better?

Casual Connect Asia provided free hotel for us, though it was the cheapest hotel. Lol. Singapore’s hotels were extremely expensive: most of them were around 300 SGD.(217.41 dollar) As the result, we lived in the youth hostel which was 6-14 people per room, around 18-20 SGD (13-14.5 dollar) per night. Casual Connect Asia rented 2 hostels in Geylang Rd, so we can meet a lot independent game developers in rooms and lobby. It felt so unusual to meet that many developers in the same area.


Joyfor Backpacker’ Hostel on Geylang Rd

CCA began from Tuesday to Thursday, so we needed to get our “dog tag” at Monday’s night; however, it was raining so hard, so we got there at the end of party. We only checked our place and other necessary stuff for our display, and then we got back to the hostel.


Special way of displaying games


WILL: A Wonderful World was selected in the 100 games

We were extremely busy in next 3 days that we had to get up really early to get on bus. There were a lot people in CCA. We were super glad that CCA provides free unlimited food; otherwise we would starve to death.


Pierre Willem Duyker, from Sydney, developed Cell Surgeon.


The white T-shirt dude is Bonoit Freslon from Paris. His game EnigmBox got many awards in CCA, and I knew it would happen! His game is sooooo cool!


I went to get a coffee in the morning, and when I got back I found Mr. Jiangliang Dong, the developer of Tengami, was on my seat! The world is so small. XD


This was a team called GellyBomb from Taiwam. They made a room-escaping game with AR in it. It was such a new idea in game exhibition, and I thought it was a coffee beans store when I passed by few times. XD


A decryption game called Perlinoid. Pretty and fun.


We were playing cards with team came from Taiwan on night party. It was the 1st time I learned the Ninety Nine! It was really fun.


Indie Prize award ceremony started on the moon of Thursday, and we didn’t get any awards. The competition was very intense, and we were lack of experiences, but we would keep hard-working and improving our games!


At night, we hanged out with developers from Taiwan. There were more than 10 teams from Taiwan this year. It was nice to get to know them!

Since it was a trip in Singapore, we didn’t miss the chance to observe the plants and animals there.


Strange plants


A monkey, who scratches a lot, is observing stupid humans.

On 5.22 2015 5 o’clock afternoon, after another 7.5 horrible hours on airplane, we finally got back to Beijing.

The weather is so cool in Beijing, so cool!

The 1st thing we would do after we got back, as usual, keep making game.